Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rob Mix

condelLIZA Rice Mix

Maiden blog

so this is my maiden blog. I guess this is were i talk about myself and how life is going awesome and everything is great. I hope you picked up on the sarcasm. Let see I am turning 28 in December, i have no job, no gf and did i say i have no job. I do have hope. Hope is good. I hope i get a new job, I hope my momma stops trippin. I hope for a new beginning. I hope this blog helps me air out some of the things that go on in my head. So reader beware...I more than likely will say some shit that might offend, that you might think is wierd. Basically....i dont give a shit and if you cant take it then subcribing to this blog might not be the correct choice for you. I have applied to everywhere and there momma and i have yet to get shown any love on the job search. I have been selling phones for the last 8 years of my life...and to be honest...i hate phones. It sucks because that is all i know. So i try to go into a different field and i dont have the experience but a shit load of sales. So when i apply for something that not in sales they look at me like why am i doing this to myself. I am sick of selling something to people. I am good at it but sucks that employers look at my resume and think thats all i can do. CONFUSION...and its 2am...i cant sleep...i wonder will happen as life goes on...this weekend should bring some salvation...i plan on partying like a rock star. We will see what other adventure will follow....until monday...