Monday, December 28, 2009

09 wrap up

So 2009 is coming to an end. I cant say that i am sorry to see it go. This year has been a growing process for me and i can say that i am happy that it is over and done. I still think i have a lot of growing up to do, but its been rough. I have realized alot and have come into my own (whatever that means. I am excited for 2010. I have made a bunch of new friends and contacts. Things are starting to look a little brighter. Deejaying is starting to take off. I have been rocking @ level up for a minute now and i feel that leading to bigger and better things. Life right ruff, but better. 2010...BRING THE RAWKUS!


SHOUT OUT TO KENNETH CARSON! Peep his blog. Remember the name. That boy will make it big!